Navigating Love's Journey
Your Path to Harmony with Couple Counselling
Love and relationships demand effort – understanding, compromise, and ongoing maintenance. Many individuals, whether married or not, may find the idea of counselling or couples therapy unnecessary or overwhelming, especially if they believe their relationship is healthy. However, couples counseling isn't solely about healing; it's also about nurturing and sustaining your relationship's growth to prevent future miscommunications.
Think of marriage counseling like a dental checkup. Just as you brush your teeth at home and visit the dentist for routine checkups to prevent serious issues, couples therapy works similarly. It's not just for emergencies but also to maintain a healthy relationship. Some mistakenly believe that couples therapy implies their relationship is in trouble. However, that's not entirely accurate. Couples therapy can serve as a preventive tool, addressing significant problems and enhancing healthy communication and conflict resolution skills before they escalate. You don't need to wait for a severe issue to arise before working on building a resilient relationship.
What is Couples Therapy?
Couples therapy, or marital counseling, involves meeting with a psychologist to discuss your relationship. The psychologist will highlight your relationship's strengths, help identify and resolve concerns or issues, and guide you through a gradual process requiring effort from both partners. Open-mindedness, commitment, and patience are key ingredients for successful couples therapy.
This type of counseling focuses on emotions, improving relationship satisfaction, and resolving conflicts between partners. The ultimate goal for a therapist is to assist you in building a healthy and robust relationship and resolving any conflicts or problems present.
In a study by the American Association of Marriage and Family, about 93% of surveyed couples found couples therapy provided effective strategies for resolving conflicts, with approximately 97% reporting they benefited from it.
What to Expect in Couples Therapy Sessions
Couples therapy typically begins with the basics, focusing on getting to know you, your partner, and your relationship. Sessions may include an interview-style format where the therapist learns about each person's unique background, asking questions about your relationship, family-of-origin, cultural background, and personal values. As sessions progress, they become more conversational, emphasizing the importance of listening, respect, and an open mind. Your therapist will help identify underlying problems or concerns and establish a unique treatment plan tailored to your goals.
Techniques and conversations in couples therapy may include skills to build empathy, improve communication, and reinforce compromise, trust, honesty, patience, and love. Homework assignments, such as logging emotions, reading relationship books, or practicing specific communication styles, may also be part of the therapeutic process.
Things to Know When Considering Couples Counselling
You can attend therapy alone if your partner refuses: If your companion refuses couples therapy, you can go alone to individual therapy. This can help you learn coping strategies to better handle relationship stressors and gain additional insight into the concerns you're facing. However, for couples therapy to be most effective, both partners should be willing to make changes and commit to the process. Couples therapy duration varies: Some couples may only need a few sessions, while others may require therapy for several months. Your therapist will recommend the best treatment plan based on your situation.
Additional help may be recommended: Individual therapy may be suggested if you or your partner is dealing with drug addiction, substance abuse, or mental illness. Therapists can collaborate with other healthcare providers to provide comprehensive treatment.
Who Should Consider Couples Therapy?
Couples therapy can benefit all kinds of relationships. It helps resolve current issues, prevents concerns from escalating, and provides maintenance checkups for happy couples experiencing life changes.
Couples Counselling and Marital Therapy
I assist individuals and couples with emotional concerns and adjustments to life changes. I offer coaching and bespoke counselling providing cognitive-behavioral therapy, depression treatment, anxiety treatment, stress management, and support for life changes such as grief, chronic illness, retirement, and more.
If you have any questions about my services, please feel free to reach out through the contact form. Or, if you're ready to start your path to a better tomorrow, please make your appointment today.